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Our Supporters

You Are So Clutch!


Thank you to the following individuals and foundations for your continued support.

Caroline Aaron

Alana Atterbury

Madeline Austin

Karen Braga

Kathryn Buck

Mike Callahan

Benjamin Feder

Feder Gordon Family Fund​

Debra Fried*

Gates Anderson Charitable Fund*

Jane Gennaro

Christianne Greiert

Steven Greiert*

Wade Handy

Gawain De Leeuw​

Bradley Lundquist*

Michael Propster

Pilar Rehert

Sylvie Richards*

Nandita Shenoy

Leslee Warren
Jennifer Dorr White
Richard Wilson*

Clutch Productions gratefully acknowledges the generous tax-exempt distribution from Northeast Connect, Inc.


Shout out to our development sponsor and marketing partner, The Social Shop LLC.


​*indicates Clutch Caretaker


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