Featuring original one-act plays and short screenplays written by emerging women writers.
The 2017 empowHER Reading Series was dedicated to exploring and revealing hidden gender bias.
by Nayna Agrawal
directed by Vanessa Morosco
Webster's Bitch
by Jacqueline Bircher
directed by Vanessa Morosco
by Jane Jeffries
directed by Julia Sears
my favorite flower
by Arika Larson
directed by Raquel Almazan
The Takeover
by Barbara Lindsay
directed by Christianne Greiert
Raji Ahsan*, Jeanette Bonner*, Rajesh Bose*, Christianne Greiert*, Rebecca Hirota*, Esther Mira, Pooya Mohseni*, Pilar Rehert*,
Jennifer Dorr White*, Miranda Noelle Wilson*, and Clint Zugel*
*Actors appear courtesy of Actors' Equity Assocation
"Although my entire experience with Clutch Productions was enjoyable, the best part of our temporary partnership was just that – a feeling of true partnership between the Clutch artists and myself. I was included in every step of the process of getting my play ready for performance. It is surprising how many theaters, once they have a playwright’s permission to perform her play (and some theaters even skip that part!), will then ignore her completely, so it was a joy to be able to talk with the director in depth about the play and to be invited to Skype into rehearsal."
Barbara Lindsay